The Sakimaru knife is a variation of the Yanagiba knife and Takohiki knife that is used for much the same purposes, such as for clean and precise sushi and sashimi cuts. The Sakimaru, however, differs by its tip, which looks similar to that of a Katana – the traditional Japanese samurai sword. Although the Sakimaru's function and effectiveness is similar to that of the Yanagiba and Takohiki, it is a more stylish variant of the two and makes a louder statement.

赤澤 堺北辰 全鏡面 白一水本燒 先丸 300mm ( Sold Out , Pre-orde...
推薦購買人群為:專業師傅 或 有專業研磨技能 / 收藏者
% $1,746.40

赤澤 堺北辰 全鏡面 白一水本燒 先丸 270mm( Sold Out , Pre-order...
推薦購買人群為:專業師傅 或 有專業研磨技能 / 收藏者
% $1,815.20